Safety in works

Commited for the safety and health in construction sites, we lend our Health and Safety Coordination services, Health and Safety studies and plans, Work Direction, Health and Safety and Enviromental Supervision.

  • Health and Safety Coordination
  • Health & Safety & Environmental (HSE) Supervision
  • Health and Safety Plans
  • Health and Safety Studies
  • Work Management and Execution
  • Health and Safety Procedures for Contractors

From Adpreven we develop everything related with the health and safety of the construction sites.

The Health and Safety coordination service, essential figure in every construction sites where 2 or more companies are involved.

The promoter is obligated, whether they have a project or not, to appoint a health and safety coordinator to the construction site integrated to the project management. Our health and safety coordinators with different technical degrees, from Mechanical Engineers, Industrial Engineers, Civil Engineers, Architects and technical Architects, possess the senior technicians qualification in prevention for the 3 specialities, and the formation in Health and Safety Coordinators.

We like to highlight the professionality and experience of our Health and Safety Coordinators, having an average of 10 years of experience in different industrial works, edification, civil work, etc. Technical assistance  of Health, Safety and Environment Supervision (HSE) in industrials stops and facilities, success guarantee in the risk management for those sporadic operations, punctual and continuous in the industrial and construction environments. We perform health and safety studies to incorporate in the construction project visa, and health and safety plans of contractors companies.

We also perform procedures for the contractors companies, such as: transaction and opening of the workplace, qualification of the subcontracting bookcommunication movement foreign workers, REA procedures. All the services are provided for any point of the National Territory.