The activities included in the Annex II of the RD 393/2007 National Regulation, it also must be taken in account the applicable regional regulation, in the case of Catalunya is D 80/2010, for Basque Country is D. 277/2010, and Cantabria is D. 51/2009.
Revision of the Self Protection plan according to the 393/2007, the self protection plan has to be revised and updated every 3 years. Every 4 years in Catalunya case.
We have proffesional technicians registered in different communities for the development and implantation of Self protection Plans in units and facilities where activities that can generate emergencies are developed.
We perform the Self Protection plan / Emergencies Plan using an own systematic according to the internal procedures of your organization, bearing in mind the risks in the workplaces or that they could appear due to the developed activity. We develop a complete document of the self protection or emergency plan including the delineation of plans and its updating.
We guarantee the practical spirit of the Self Protection Plan, as well as its implementation in the organization, which includes the information-communication and the theoretical-practical training in the procedures of the emergency teams and staff performance (first intervention, alarm and evacuation, first aid, etc); as well as the execution and development of the exercises and/or dailly drills which allow checking the implementation grade of the emergency operative.