The emergency drills as marks the occupational risks prevention law article 20, they must be done periodically. The RD 393/2007 basic Law of self protection indicates that emergency drills must be carried out as established in the plan, and at least on an annual basis. The objective of the emergency drill is to evaluate the efficiency grade of response of the different teams that take part of the emergency, to establish the sufficiency and suitability of the existing means, and adequacy of the performance procedures, with the objective of being able to obtain data and measures that let us take decisions to improve the response in case of emergency.
The emergency drills can be done assigning one or more emergency scenarios considered in the self protection plan of your organization. The scope of said drills will be established with the company, bearing in mind the activity and the implementation grade can be chosen between a partial drill and a complete one. The object of this exercise will be evaluated by our experts who will take a observer role, establishing the efficiency grade of the emergency drill.