To which companies is the continuous audit aimed?
It is aimed to companies forced to conduct the regulatory audit and have a need to apply proccess of continuouos improvement in their system of management prevention. The period of time must be less than the established for the regulatory audit (quadrennial or biannual frequency)
In what consists the continuous audit?
The continuous audit pretends to establish a colaboration line in the time between the audited company and the auditor company. Through this service, the audited company receives an integral solution, fulfilling with the obligation of submitting their prevention system to a legal audit. Therefore, the continuous audit is considered like a Voluntary Regulatory Audit to be applied in periods of time less than the legally established.
It supposes the sustitution of the regulatory audit every 4 or 2 years and its corresponding certification or not, for carrying-out a more exhaustive tracking in periods of time more short (annual or biannual). This implies, not only the fastest and continuous improvement of the functionality of the company prevention, but also it is a way of ensuring the certification success. It works as a way of achieving the «excellence» in ocuppational risks prevention faster than with the regulatory audit, which has a slower implementation period (every 4 years).
The possibility of obtaining the funding by the public administrations to implement improvements in the Occupational Risks prevention in those companies that without legal needs, conduct these audits as is indicated in the 33rd bis 39/1997 Article of the Prevention Services Regulations. Specifically in the application of the bonus reduction of the values for professional contingencies for the Voluntary Regulatory Audit realization as is indicated in the 2ndg) article of the RD 404/2010.